Day Old Un-Sexed Chick 12 Pack (Local Pick up Only) Pre-order April 2025 Great Egg Layers NON-GMO



We raise many breeds of amazing chickens, that lay many different egg colors. Such as blue, brown, white, olive, gray/green, dark brown and more. These chicks are the same ones we hatch for egg layers for us. This mixture results in some gorgeous chickens on our farm. These are straight runs only. Which means you will get a mixture of pullets (females) and Cockerels (males). We do not sell pullets only at this time.  Once you complete your purchase we will include your chicks on our next hatch. This usually means you will have your Organic chicks within 3 to 6 weeks.  These chicks are being hatched from our flock that has been fed an organic diet and of course non-GMO. You will be notified of a hatch date as the time approaches and we will help to make arrangements for you to pick up your new chicks at our farm. These are guaranteed alive at pick up, however we can not control what happens once they leave our farm.


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