Wolf River Apple Scion


One 8 inch piece of scion wood, ranging from 1/8″-3/8″ in diameter.

16 in stock


The Wolf River apple tree originated on the farm of W.A. Springer in Wolf River, WI in 1875. The are extremely large apples. They very often make it to 1 pound or more in weight. They are famous for being able to bake one pie from one apple. Similar to the Alexander, but a little larger and a bit more round. Wolf River apples have pale yellow skin almost covered with pale dull red. The flesh is soft, tender, and creamy white. While mostly used for baking, pies, and apple butter(yummy) but in the right climate on sandy soil, it becomes a good dessert apple. They are resistant to scab, mildew, fire blight, and cedar apple rust. Sure to be a hit in any backyard or homestead.


USDA Zones: 4-9

Heirloom: Yes

Uses: Desserts / Pies, Cooking / Sauces, Fresh Eating

Harvest Period: Midseason

Bloom Period: Midseason

Pollination Requirement: Requires different variety with same bloom period

Disease Resistance: Good

Origin Date: Wisconsin 1875

Storage: 1 month

Additional information

Dimensions 8-10 in


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