Pristine Apple Scion


One 8 inch piece of scion wood, ranging from 1/8″-3/8″ in diameter.

45 in stock


Tart to sweet apple with flavors that remind you of tropical fruits. Has a coarse and breaking texture.
An early summer apple! Tree bears crops of medium to large fruit.

Zones: 5-8

Uses: Cooking / Pies/ Drying /Sauce / Juice and Fresh Eating

Harvest Period: July just after Lodi

Bloom Period: ?

Pollination Requirement: Yes

Flavor: Mildly acid, Slightly spicy and moderately rich

Skin: Thin, pale green-yellow to cream colored maturing to deep yellow with moderate orange blush on exposed surface, finish is smooth, glossy, with inconspicuous lenticels

Size: Medium

Origin Date: 1994

Storage: Good for Early Season variety

Disease Resistance: Great

Additional information

Dimensions 8-10 in


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