Pine Golden Pippin Apple Scion


One 8 inch piece of scion wood, ranging from 1/8″-3/8″ in diameter.

6 in stock


Pine Golden Pippin is a U.K. desert apple that ripens mid September. This apple variety was first recorded in the 1860s. It is believed to originally came from Northern England or Scotland.

The skin of this apple variety is entirely covered with a smooth coat of brown russet and marked with large light grey specks. It has a yellowish white flesh, that is very tender and juicy, with a fine, sprightly, and distinct pineapple flavor. in use during October and November.

Uses: Desserts / Pies, Fresh Eating

Harvest Period: September

Low Chill: ?

Flowering Goup: 4

Bloom Period: Mid-Late Season

Ploidy: Diploid

Pollination Requirement: Self-Sterile and requires a different variety with same bloom period for pollination.

Origin Date: 1861

Storage: ? (maybe 4-6 weeks)

Disease Resistance: ?

Additional information

Dimensions 10 in


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