Ashmeads Kernel Apple Scion


One 8 inch piece of scion wood, ranging from 1/8″-3/8″ in diameter.

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Argued to be one of the best-flavored apples ever.  Small to medium-sized fruit comes in various shape, often lop-sided.  Greenish to golden brown russet skin with reddish highlights.  Creamy yellow flesh is aromatic, crisp and sweet. Ashmead’s Kernels flavor improves in storage, with peak flavor December – February. Winter hardy tree, begins bearing at young age. First discovered in Gloucester, England.

Zones: 4-9

Uses: Fresh Eating, Cider, Cooking / Sauces

Harvest Period: Late Mid October
Bloom Period: Late
Pollination Requirement: Yes but partially self-fertile
Origin Date: 1700`s
Storage: 3-4 weeks
Disease Resistance: Good
Chilling Hour: 800-1,000

Additional information

Dimensions 10 in


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